5 tablespoons soy sauce

2 – 3 cloves garlic

1 tsp Chilli flakes

2 tablespoons sesame oil

White pepper

Salt to taste

2tbs Clover Honey

1tbs warm water

2 fresh Chillis

2 Kaffir Lime leaves

½ bunch Coriander

handful Mint leaves ( any alternative to fresh herbs can be used)




Mix the soy sauce, garlic, chilli flakes, sesame oil, pepper and salt with the chicken wings and Marinate for 24 hours.

Dilute honey with water and coat the wings with a paintbrush before placing on an oven rack

Cook for 15 minutes at 180 degrees then baste then and cook for a further ten mins.

Serve topped with the chopped chilli, lime leaves, coriander and mint.